This document was originally published in The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization, vol. 1. ed. Alfred Bates. London: Historical Publishing Company, 1906. p. 329.

A clever and versatile writer was Ion of Chios, dramatist, lyric poet and philosopher. Of his forty or fifty plays only a few titles and fragments have come down to us, while of his elegies and dithyrambs nothing has been preserved. He was a friend of Socrates and contemporary with all the three great dramatists, winning the third prize in the contest where Euripides was first with his Hyppolytus. In commemoration of this not very glorious victory he presented each Athenian citizen with a flask of Chian wine.


  • Aeschylus and His Tragedies - Biography of the Greek dramatist and analysis of his poetic qualities.
  • Agathon - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Agathon.
  • The Age of Euripides - A look at the political and religious atmosphere in which Euripides composed his plays.
  • Aristarchus - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Aristarchus of Tegea.
  • Chaeremon - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Chaeremon.
  • Critias - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Critias.
  • Ion - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Ion of Chios.
  • Iophon - A biographical note on Iophon, the son of Sophocles.
  • Neophron - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Neophron of Sicyon.
  • Sophocles and His Tragedies - Biography of the Greek dramatist and analysis of his poetic qualities.
  • Tragic Costumes - A description of the costumes worn by tragic actors in ancient Greece.
  • Zenocles - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Zenocles.


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