This document was originally published in The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization, vol. 1. ed. Alfred Bates. London: Historical Publishing Company, 1906. p. 327.

Iophon, the son of Sophocles, produced about fifty plays, though some of them--we know not exactly which or how many--were written in collaboration with his father. He won the second prize in a competition in which Euripides was first. The grandson and namesake of Sophocles was seven times victorious, reproducing also his grandsire's Oedipus at Colonus, which his father, Ariston, first brought out.


  • Aeschylus and His Tragedies - Biography of the Greek dramatist and analysis of his poetic qualities.
  • Agathon - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Agathon.
  • The Age of Euripides - A look at the political and religious atmosphere in which Euripides composed his plays.
  • Ancient Theatre Database - An archive of articles on ancient theatre.
  • Aristarchus - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Aristarchus of Tegea.
  • Chaeremon - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Chaeremon.
  • Critias - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Critias.
  • Ion - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Ion of Chios.
  • Neophron - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Neophron of Sicyon.
  • Sophocles and His Tragedies - Biography of the Greek dramatist and analysis of his poetic qualities.
  • Tragic Costumes - A description of the costumes worn by tragic actors in ancient Greece.
  • Zenocles - A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Zenocles.


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